Disneyland Pastels

Takes about 20 min. for each sideview when drawn from life. teen boy girl sides asian

Self Portrait

Pastel with accents created on a computer drawing programpastel and computer cropped self portrait

Pastel Sideviews

Created at popular theme park. 20min. for each sideview.guy and girl profiles



Carole Pomerantz

carole in halloween wig-thinner


unposed pastel  portrait demetrius

Pastel Profiles

Takes about 15 to 20 min./profiles when created on location (Disneyland)guy and girl profiles

Pastel Cats

pastel justine's cats

Pastel Portrait

pastel front young girl brown hair1/2 hr. front view created at Disneyland

Pastel from photo

12 yr old boy (passed away) from photo